Play Ideas
I will often share snippits of our days, including playful moments via our Facebook and Instagram feed and stories. Just click on the links in the bottom right of this page.
Most importantly though play is definitely not a one size fits all model! What engages one child doesn't necessarily engage the next, or even between days there are differences. I urge you to follow your child's lead, observe what types of play they enjoy and build upon that. If your child is in a season of trains, and that's all they seem interested in - that is OK. It is more than OK for children to engage with interests over and over; its not actualy them that tire of it it is us, so I challenge you to observe your own reactions and remember when we meet them on their level, with their interests (despite any ideas we might have!) we build the greatest moments for connection and play.
All are welcome to join us over on our Facebook Discussion Group - Works at Play Community. -